
The transparent properties of glass make it an essential material in a wide range of applications.

The transparent nature of glass means that it is an indispensable material in a wide range of applications. There are many different types of glass, but this review focuses on flat glass and glass fibre, major types used as components in more technically demanding applications.

As an overview, the most common uses of glass in major volumes are container glass, such as bottles and jars, and flat glass found in buildings and vehicles. Glass fibre used for reinforcement, insulation, and fibre optics is also produced in significant volumes. In minor volumes, glass has a very wide range of applications. These include scientific hollow glass, like tubing and vials, and domestic glassware such as tumblers, jugs, and vases. Glass beads are also used heavily in reflective paint, wet and dry blast cleaning methods, and water filtration systems.

Main Applications

  • Main Applications Icon Automotive
  • Main Applications Icon Electronics
  • ICT
  • Construction
  • Containers

Key Downstream Industries

  • Key Downstream Industries Icon Auto, Ground Transport
  • Key Downstream Industries Icon Electronics
  • Key Downstream Industries Icon Construction

Top Manufacturing Countries



United States

Key Indicators

Supply Chain Concentration Risk
Very Low Moderate Very High